Monday, November 4, 2019

Using R to Analyze Litecoin Cryptocurrency

Fall 2019
Litecoin Seasonality - Analyzing Performance Trends From History

Some asset markets tend to perform better during certain times of the year and tend to perform worse during certain times of the year.  Continuous data exists for most of Litecoin’s existence from 2013 onward.

The objective of the study was to elicit a statistic model that shows Litecoin seasonality, or its tendency to perform better during certain quarters of the year, between measured periods from 2013 through 2019.  We chose to analyze the prices of Litecoin and its market capitalization by comparing values to each quarter of those years.

I used R software to visualize the data to capture trends, performed statistical summaries of the mean and standard deviations, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to compare such means.  The ANOVA tests concluded that significant differences were present among the quarters. 

Figure 1.  Random sample head of Litecoin data set
Figure 2. Boxplot showing the BTC price of LTC by quarter
Figure 3. Boxplot showing the LTC market capitalization (in USD) by quarter

Table 1. Mean, standard deviation for LTC data

Table 2. ANOVA test for LTC summary data

Table 3.  Tukey Honest Significant Differences Comparison among all 4 quarters

Figure 4. Plot of residuals vs fit for homogeneity assumption

Using PostgreSQL to Create Tool Database

Summer 2019
Creation of a tool database which was able to show data contents, retrievable and filterable by customer, date, account number, product category and product purchase from Excel spreadsheet.

Created entity relationship diagram which featured metadata to be documented onto Excel.

Developed and executed SQL statements (INSERT/SELECT/UPDATE/DELETE) using PostgreSQL.

Lifecycle steps and methodologies were summarized.

Using Python to Create Simple Auto Inventory Program

Spring 2019 Intro to Python

The project is to create a program using Python.  The program is an automobile inventory with automobile class, utilized by a dealership to keep track of its inventory.  This should allow the user to output all vehicles to a text file.  The following attributes for the auto class includes:

  • private string make
  • private string model
  • private string color
  • private integer year
  • private integer mileage

The program should have appropriate methods including:

  • constructor
  • add new vehicle
  • remove a vehicle
  • update vehicle attributes

Figure 1. Base code of constructor

Figure 2. Show the program "add vehicle" function

Figure 3.  Show the program "delete vehicle" function

Figure 4.  Show the program "show inventory" function